At Squeaky Clean, we take pride in offering our clients reliable, professional pressure and soft washing services on every job we do. Our team of skilled technicians is ready to take on all cleaning projects to get rid of dirt, grime, mildew, mold, and other unsightly contaminants that may be harming your home or family. Soft washing is the future of exterior cleaning. It lasts six times longer than pressure washing results and is safe for your home's exterior.
Soft washing is a new way of cleaning homes. It uses cold, low-pressure water and sprays for cleaning the house. The chemicals allow them to cut the time down significantly. They do not need to rinse it off. Squeaky Clean schedules most appointments around rainstorms to wash the chemicals off for you. After four hours, the chemicals will not harm the environment.
Squeaky Clean use the right tools and techniques for your cleaning need to avoid damage to your home's siding, roofing, windows, and other surfaces. We work carefully to protect your landscaping, lawn, and family by using suitable cleaning solutions to get the job done. We also clean up the work area after we're done, so your yard stays beautiful and safe for kids and pets and your lawn and landscaping.
We'll work with you to answer any questions and alleviate any concerns before the job starts. Call Squeaky Clean today so we can put your mind at ease on how easy and safe soft washing is for your property.
Contact our team at Squeaky Clean today for a free quote on soft washing for your home or business.
Phone: (912) 398-8764
Address: Savannah, GA
Payment Options:
Venmo | Zelle | Google Wallet | CashApp
Licensed Number: OTC023336